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Lonrace gabions are modules with a rectangular shape and various sizes. Filled with river or quarry stones the baskets are aligned with a grid network. For greater stability of the structures barriers are placed that prevent excessive stretching and deformation of the gabion wall.

Know more about gabion

Using lonrace gabion walls is efficient, modern and environmentally friendly solution to prevent erosion.Gabions are made of special double twisted hexagonal network with thick zinc coating. 
Lonrace gabions are metal cages filled with stones, often used as separate wall, fence. 
Lonrace gabion walls are very durable and resistant to earth pressure, easy to install, require almost no maintenance and are self-draining, making them an ideal solution for retaining walls.
Gabions are mainly used for stabilization and strengthening of embankments, slopes, landslides, rivers, coastlines, roads, highway, etc.

NEW applications of gabions

How to use a lonrace gabion wall in the landscape design? There are numerous ways to use gabion walls in the landscape of your garden. You can use gabions to make fountains, fences, benches, flower beds, ponds, waterfalls, as well as many other things that can surprise and delight the eye.
Lonrace gabion walls can be successfully used as privacy fences, which is very important in densely populated areas. 
Lonrace gabion wall can easily become a part of the garden decoration. You can use it as flower bed edging, as an element of your water feature and even as an outdoor fireplace.
Lonrace gabion walls can be successfully used as a part of your outdoor furniture as well. This is of significance for small gardens as the landscape design has to be creative and often the elements perform more than one function. 
What is the best material for filling you lonrace gabion wall? How to choose the stones? You can use different types of stones and rocks and even combine them.
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